No updates on February? Why? *sigh* Was feeling really bad about myself throughout the whole month dealing with various stuff I rather not talk about because it''s menial and I think too much. Other than that, have been dealing with Shareese's flu and cough and mild fever. Plus, he's been very clingy lately. Almost like he's suffering from separation anxiety. =/ He can't notice that I am out of his sight. He will throw a fit.
"mama? MAMA? MAMAAA???!!!"
Other updates regarding myself:
- Been having some cramps and intense pelvic pain lately. Inconsistent throbbing felt in the womb. I guess this is what they call Braxton Hicks contraction? Didn't manage to feel Braxton Hicks during my first pregnancy. Just labor contractions during D-Day.
- Back pain is getting worst. Could hardly sit up straight for a long period of time.
- Super tired during the day. Extremely energetic (with trouble sleeping) during the night. O_O Thanx, haven't been able to go to work because of this.
- Extremely cranky and getting more easily annoyed with stupid silly stuff.
- 2-3 days of diorrhea, followed by a few days of constipation. wtfbody?
- Craving for teh tarik... which made me gassy after consuming some. *ohgodwhy*
- Did I mention I'm extremely tired and have trouble sleeping? T_T