
12 November 2012

Online Shopping Stash

So I was browsing through the web for an online shop that sells nursing wears (that can also be used during maternity period) and nursing bras. The bras I have currently aren't really that comfortable anymore (yay bigger boobies thanx to pregnancy hormones) and I don't think I should spend money buying just new bigger sized bras. I should invest on some good nursing bras. since I want to fully breastfeed my second child. I wasn't able to do that for Shareese due to several reasons. One of the main reason was because my milk supply isn't enough and my nipples were cracking like crazy. One time when I was nursing, blood was coming out from my nipples instead of milk. The nurses assured me that it was normal because breastmilk comes from blood anyways, and that my body wasn't able to convert the blood to breastmilk thus the reason blood was flowing out my milking duct instead. Scary.. (._.) Honestly I was traumatized and opt for formula milk instead, which till now, I think was a bad move. I read that once you've given formula to your baby and stopped/reduced pumping breastmilk for your baby, the milk won't produce as much as it should. I hope I won't do the same mistake again for my second one. I WANT TO FULLY BREASTFEED!!! >.< It's not easy, but I will give my best! No more feeling traumatized or scared or complaining or bitching about how hard it is. Huhuu..

( ; - ; )

Anyways, most of the online shops I found on the net gives me ridiculously high priced items. I don't fancy spending more than RM100 for a single piece of clothing… Urhm wait, more like I DON'T WANT to spend so much on clothes. I can't afford it no matter how they claim that their goods are of high quality. Plus, the designs aren't really that nice either (for me at least). After several minutes of browsing through, finally, I am so glad I bumped into, an online maternity/nursing and baby shop that gives affordable price for the stuff I need. Yays! It really is affordable and most importantly, very comfortable! Good enough for me. Doesn't need to be branded. I don't go for brands. I just go for price, and comfort, and looks nice enough to me. Yays cheapskate mom. XD

First time buying stuff there, I only bought two new maternity. Their service is very efficient and fast. I got my stuff delivered the next working day. (i ordered it on Saturday before noon, and got it on Monday but if I ordered it on Monday, for sure I'm gonna get it the next day!) It's a bit too big for me but it IS comfortable. Had to send the pants to be altered. The length is too much for me. (or my legs might be too short for average ahaha..haa… I'm 151cm by the way) I wouldn't recommend buying long pants here because you can get better designs of maternity pants at AEON (previously Jaya Jusco) for roughly the same price. Not sure about their short pants though.

Satisfied with the first purchase in October, I decided to buy more in November. Tried out their nursing bra. I bought this one.

image from

Tried it out, VERY NICE. Much nicer than those I bought at AEON after I had Shareese. And the design is really cute too.  Gonna stock up more on the
nursing bras. :3 Love~

Here's some of the stash I bought. There's a yellow training pants for Shareese. I recommend that if you want to try and potty train your toddler. The lower part has thicker fabric on it so if your toddler "accidentally" piss, the damage won't be as much on the surface he sits on, but he will still feel soaked and uncomfortable and will (probably) won't want to pee in his pants again. XD

Stuff bought on November 2012 from mammahouse <3

So yeah, if you're planning to buy some affordable maternity/nursing wear, do check out Mammahouse. Recommended by a cheapskate-money-saving-mom like me. :p
Images by Freepik