
03 December 2014

Quick Sketch 20141203

Quickie sketch at the office before going back home.
Done in Flash 8. 15 minutes.

02 December 2014

Little Man No More

Hello again fellow silent readers of this dusty blog. How are you doing? It's school holiday again! The past years it was not much of a difference for me since non of my kids went to school (yet) but this year my little man is in kindergarten. Some would say sending a 4 year old to kindergarten is quite early. Pshhh.. Please. I have a friend who sent her daughter to school at the age of TWO. Okay?

Speaking of school holiday and sending your kids to do stuff early.... My husband and I have decided to circumcised our little man this year. At the age of four. Saayyy whaaatttt?? Chill there fellow overprotective and easily paranoid parents. *coff coff* For your information, it is very common outside of Malaysia to circumcise their boys at an early age. In fact it is highly encouraged to do it when they were still babies. First and foremost, they recover faster with lower percentage of complications (you can check wikipedia entry for this). Another reason is they don't really move that much and doesn't tend to scratch when itching. Though you need to really take care of their hygiene and change their diaper very very often.

Aaaaanyways, let me share you a little experience of ours circumcising our little man. We decided to circumcised Shareese along with his other four cousins. They were born not far apart with Adam being the eldest at age 6, Huzaifah at age 5 and Umar, Haziq and Shareese being the youngest at age 4. Urhm, technically Umar is still 3 years old but he'll turn 4 in 9th December, which is soon enough. My sister in law arranged everything and we just tag along. From our information, my sister in law said that there aren't many clinics in Shah Alam who circumcise kids at an early age (not sure why, maybe they are not really familiar with it I guess) and we ended up with a doctor from Klinik Ajwa, Section 7. The doctor (I didn't get his name) is very experienced with circumcising boys of various ages. The earliest he did was a baby born within 24 hours. He also encouraged a lot of parents to do it young and he kept on mentioning stuff like in Arabic countries they do it within 24 hours of birth and some hospitals doesn't even let their babies discharged if they are not circumcised. How true is this, I am not so sure... Very talkative doctor.

Shareese, Aliah (not part of the sunat process ye), Adam and Umar

We were set for an appointment on 24th November 2014 at 9.30am sharp. We arrived at 9.15am and there were a few other kids (primary school children) before our turn. The little kids are all hyped about this "sunat" thing and we dressed them up in kain pelikat. LOL! I am not sure if they knew what circumcision (sunat/khatan/khitan) is or not but we tried our best to explain it to Shareese a few weeks before the actual day. At first he thought it was "cutting off the meat". O_O;; Eh..wan die ah? Then we explained that it is to cut the foreskin. I am not sure how but it ended up him understanding that sunat is a trip to the doc for some regular check up and will be given some "ubat sunat" (circumcised medicine) afterwards. (.-.) Ohkays... cincai la. You happy and tak takut, mama pun happy jugak lah!

When our turn comes, we decided to give Shareese the first turn because if he sees all his other cousins wailing and crying, it's gonna be hard to persuade him. All his other cousins have other siblings to rely upon while Shareese is off solo, so.... first turn lah! So off we go into the consultation room and we lie him down on the inspection bed. We went for the laser method.'s not really using laser. They use a very heated up metal to have a clean cut. The real laser method (I am imagining all lightsaber thingy) can cost up to RM500 if I am not mistaken because that's what my youngest brother went for last time back in early 2000.

First, the doctor injects Shareese's scrotum with general anesthesia and let it start to work it's wonders within 2-3 minutes. Hooo boy... This is when my son screams the most. Top of his lungs. There were some drops of blood from the injection but it was very minimum. After the anesthesia is checked to work, the doctor took two forceps and pinch the edge of his foreskin to open it up. Enghhh!! Okay. It does look painful and the doctor need to do it a few times before he could get the skin away from the head. After a few attempts, it is time to CUT IT!! DUN DUN DUNNN!!!! *Pssshhhhhh!!!* Yeah that's how the sound is when the metal touches the skin. The room started to smell like barbecue....... u_u I feel bad saying this but it does smell like it! After cutting off the foreskin, the doctor stitched the edge of the skin and then voila! All done. NEXT!

Little Man a few hours after the procedure.
Letih kau.. Tido terus.

Did Shareese cry?
And he keep on saying sakit sakit sakit... ;_; I wanna cry with him too. Poor baby... But it's for his own good. So I toughen up and tell him "Tak sakit lah Shareese!!" Luckily he only cries and whines during the first two days and after that he seems much better. Some notes for dear parents out there, do expect some little pus coming out from the cut, but please please please make sure you clean it thoroughly to avoid infection. Don't forget to apply the antibacterial cream and don't let your kids scratch it. Pantang time sunat? Urhm.. we don't really follow it. o_o So far nothing really bad happens.

Today is the 9th day and on the 7th day, Shareese has worn his pants like how he used to. He still complaints it hurts but it's all psychological. =_= Rilex je die bergusti berguling dengan paksu die. Sakit pekemendernyerrrr...!!

On day 7, rilek je berseluar sudah.

That's all for our experience on circumsizing our firstborn. If you're interested to have your boys circumsized, here's the contact number for Klinik Ajwa at Section 7.

  1. Address: Jalan Kristal K7/K, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor

26 November 2014


Heheh.. heh..hehh.....

I knew eventually this blog will be collecting dust. Sokkay. It's not like this is a life commitment die die must do wan. Anways, to start kicking back off again with this "family-life-kids" blog, I have decided to revamp (more like install from dowloaded free template) the looks of this blog. Last time it was autumn themed and I have no idea why the background image went missing all of a sudden. If it wasn't for that, I think I don't even have the urge to install a new theme.

Quick recap of the year.

  • Shareese just had his little didi circumcised on Monday. He's recovering now. So manja!
  • Ariessa just learned to walk at 1 year 4 months old. Pretty late if you ask me.
  • She still doesn't really talk properly yet. I think she's mastering the art of caveman communication because all she does is point and grunt. 
  • Shareese has just finished his first year of kindergarten at age 4. He knows how to write some numbers and letters. His number 2 and Z is almost the same and sometimes it's flipped. I hope it's not dyslexia. Maybe it's just a phase. *meh* I love how he writes the number 3 though. So cute like the M from McDonald's. But sideways. *w*
  • Shareese didn't manage to attend his kindy's concert/graduation day this year due to...circumcission thingy. The timing is soooooooo unfortunate! What kind of school does school performance day ON A DAMN WEEKDAY??? merghh.....!!
  • Shariessa (yes, I have brangelinafied my kid's name) are like cats and dogs. Urhm.. or like Tom and Jerry. They can't stand being near each other (they fight!) but when they are apart, they feel incomplete and wants to find each other. Tsundere much? =3=
  • We had a nice family trip in Penang last month. First time going out as a small family. We usually just tag along with either our parents. Saving gile on food and accomodation. So, achievement unlocked! Family trip!
  • Lately, I am highly addicted to a new hobby of postcard writing and pen-palling. I just want someone to talk to with not much long term commitment. and I love the feeling of receiving letters and packages from overseas in my mailbox instead of just bills and junk mail. ^^
  • I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire. Nice~
  • . - .   I don't know when but I am starting to get addicted to coffee and tea. Bittersweet mocha is AWESOME!! So far the best mocha I had is at Butter + Beans. Nyam!!
  • Crepe cakes are delish!!
  • Here's a drawing of Shariessa.

That's all folks. Have a nice day!
Images by Freepik