
26 November 2014


Heheh.. heh..hehh.....

I knew eventually this blog will be collecting dust. Sokkay. It's not like this is a life commitment die die must do wan. Anways, to start kicking back off again with this "family-life-kids" blog, I have decided to revamp (more like install from dowloaded free template) the looks of this blog. Last time it was autumn themed and I have no idea why the background image went missing all of a sudden. If it wasn't for that, I think I don't even have the urge to install a new theme.

Quick recap of the year.

  • Shareese just had his little didi circumcised on Monday. He's recovering now. So manja!
  • Ariessa just learned to walk at 1 year 4 months old. Pretty late if you ask me.
  • She still doesn't really talk properly yet. I think she's mastering the art of caveman communication because all she does is point and grunt. 
  • Shareese has just finished his first year of kindergarten at age 4. He knows how to write some numbers and letters. His number 2 and Z is almost the same and sometimes it's flipped. I hope it's not dyslexia. Maybe it's just a phase. *meh* I love how he writes the number 3 though. So cute like the M from McDonald's. But sideways. *w*
  • Shareese didn't manage to attend his kindy's concert/graduation day this year due to...circumcission thingy. The timing is soooooooo unfortunate! What kind of school does school performance day ON A DAMN WEEKDAY??? merghh.....!!
  • Shariessa (yes, I have brangelinafied my kid's name) are like cats and dogs. Urhm.. or like Tom and Jerry. They can't stand being near each other (they fight!) but when they are apart, they feel incomplete and wants to find each other. Tsundere much? =3=
  • We had a nice family trip in Penang last month. First time going out as a small family. We usually just tag along with either our parents. Saving gile on food and accomodation. So, achievement unlocked! Family trip!
  • Lately, I am highly addicted to a new hobby of postcard writing and pen-palling. I just want someone to talk to with not much long term commitment. and I love the feeling of receiving letters and packages from overseas in my mailbox instead of just bills and junk mail. ^^
  • I started reading A Song of Ice and Fire. Nice~
  • . - .   I don't know when but I am starting to get addicted to coffee and tea. Bittersweet mocha is AWESOME!! So far the best mocha I had is at Butter + Beans. Nyam!!
  • Crepe cakes are delish!!
  • Here's a drawing of Shariessa.

That's all folks. Have a nice day!
Images by Freepik