
24 January 2013

Choo Choo Train

It's public holiday today. Salam Maludirrasul!

We've taken the opportunity to bring our little one on his first train ride. (on the commuter) He's very excited and was very amazed by how the train works. At first he was more interested on the view outside but at the end, he keeps on pointing to various parts of the train, the blinking lights on the map above the door, the announcement in the train, the sound of the door opening and closing, and most of all he is very interested with the connectors between the two train coaches. My curious little boy. :)

Oh, on another note, the service and infrastructure of the latest commuter is pretty damn smooth (for me, compared to the last time I took a ride on the commuter). The coaches are plentiful, speed is much faster, seats provided are a lot more, and gotta love the new map on top of the doors that is updated in time as to where the next stop will be. Thumbs up for for improving the facilities. About time.

20 January 2013

Improving His Appetite

I'm glad Shareese has recovered. He's starting to gain back his appetite, but the problem is he still refuses to eat what he used to eat (rice, pasta, soups, all the "healthy" stuff) and only wants those he used to have when he was fevering. (Cold stuff, packet milo drinks, cookies) Haihz.. Headache lor. What's worst is he refuses to drink his plain water. Normally he would consume atleast 500ml ~ 700ml of plain water (His full sippy-cup is 500ml), but now he's refusing to drink at all. He just wants his yoghurt drink.(Nestle Bliss) Aiyooo cannot la like this little boy. You need to drink plain water also. How to keep yourself hydrated???

Well, atleast his milk consumption is back to normal. Just having problems to get him back to his usual appetite on food.

Since we've stopped him on medications already, we've decided to start him back on his usual dose of vitamins. My mom would usually give him the gummy vitamin C, and we would feed him with multivitamins + Lysine. I used to give him Appeton with Lysine, but seems like it doesn't work as well as Nutrolplex Liquid With Iron And Lysine.

This multivitamin work wonders! In less than 3 days, we managed to get Shareese back to his usual appetite, and he gained back all the weight he lost when he was sick. I highly recommend this to moms with picky eaters. Hope it helps with your children as it helped with mine.

p/s: Shareese lost 2 ~ 3kg when he was fevering. Now he's back to his usual 13kg! Oh my... It's getting pretty hard to carry him around now. Mummy loves this!

15 January 2013

One of the reason why I hate (seeing) doctors

Shareese was fevering for more than a week, and after starting on antibiotics on the fifth day, his condition doesn't seem to improve even on day eight. We brought him to the hospital (DEMC) upon recommendation from the clinic we usually go to do blood test and to be admitted. We're so relieved that it's not dengue fever, and also not HFMD. Just viral. The doctor at DEMC wanted to admit him to further check on him but unfortunately the pediatrics ward is full. So we brought him back home and do our best to alleviate the fever. He has been very very weak due to lack of food consumption. His lips are cracked and chapped. His eyes are watery. And he is becoming very manja. Always wants to be held and he cries of the slightest thing. (which is normal for a sick child)

On 10th February (the next day after the bloodtest), his temperature seems to become more normal and stays normal for longer time. But as of 11th February it shoots back up to 37.5°C. We got worried and brought him to another hospital (KPJ Specialist Center) to be checked upon again. At first we went to see the MO (medical officer), and it frustrates me as how little attention she paid to the reports we brought in of our child. We told her our son has been fevering for more than a week. She suggested we go get his blood tested. We told her we have already got his blood tested and we have handed the report along during registration. She didn't even bother checking the file on her table. Duh... after browsing through the report (baru nak browse through?), she said that there is no danger signs. Platlet counts normal, slightly higher white blood cells to fight the viral fever, blablabla... And then... and then.. AND THEN.. She got the nerves to ask us "So, what do you expect me to do?"

WTF? You're the doctor and you're asking us...? In a very condescending manner? So much for professionalism. We explained to her that we went to DEMC last night and the doctor suggested our son to be admitted for further inspection but the pediatric ward was full so they suggest us to bring to KPJ if fever still does not subside. She just said... "oh.. well judging from this bloodtest I don't think there's a need to be admitted. But anyways, I will refer your case to the specialist and see what they have to say about it"

Okay well thankyou very much... Shareese was being fussy all the time at the hospital and keep on telling us he wants to go back. The doc inserts a fever medicine for Shareese through his rectum to help alleviate the temperature a bit while waiting to see the specialist. While waiting to see the specialist, Shareese seems to be on his sunny side. Starts to ask for food (like cheese and cookies) and he doesn't seem all that sick anymore. I'm glad but then since we have to see the specialist, we might as well just wait for him to check up on our son first.

After waiting for 20 minutes or so, we finally get to see the specialist and turns out Shareese's tempature is already normal. Doc still examines him. Hand, Foot, throat and all... and he said Shareese shouldn't need to be admitted. He also don't really know what to do. (what...??) He ask us to show him the meds and antibiotics we've been giving him, and although the doctor at DEMC says the meds was already good enough for him, the specialist at KPJ insisted on us to change meds and prescribed a stronger antibiotics for him. We've been giving Shareese ibuprofen to alleviate his fever, and was pretty damn surprised that the specialist only prescribed paracetamol 250mg for him which is the simple panadol (?)... I thought ibuprofen works better for fever with ulcer and sore throat.

We spent like RM200+ (such money draining for us) for the visit to KPJ and guess what, we didn't even start Shareese on the medications prescribed by the specialist because the first antibiotic dose wasn't finished yet. To our surprise, Shareese seems to be a lot better the next day. I think it was about time for him to recover, but his temperature just suddenly shoots back up to counter? i dunno... hahaha.. but we're sooo soooo soooo glad that he is all better now. Alhamdulillah.

Now we just have to worry about increasing his appetite coz all he ever wants to eat is cookies and packet milo. >.<

08 January 2013

Fevering and Ulcer

Shareese have been down with the fever for 5 days now, and we just bought him to another trip to the doctor this morning. The doctor said if the fever goes on for more than 2 days, it might be viral and we have to start him on antibiotics, so I guess it is viral then. Hubby and I was at the verge of getting sick a few days ago after his late grandmother passed away, we didn't expect it'd be contagious since we weren't really down with the flu, yet. Guess we were wrong.

I'm glad his temperature is slowly subsiding, from 39°C to 37.2°C after we have start him the antibiotics.

Shareese has also been complaining that his mouth hurts. We thought it was because his lips cracked due to him not taking enough fluid (more like REFUSING to take fluids, or food), but it turns out he's developing ulcers inside of his mouth. Poor thing.... Doc gave him a numbing spray to help alleviate the pain and to help bring back his appetite. He usually would go to 5-6 bottles of 180ml milk, and atleast a bowl of rice a day (with random snacking of biscuits and cakes and stuff). But now it's hard to get him to drink just 1 bottle of milk. He only seems interested in his cold Milo packet drinks. Doc said since he's not coughing and no signs of flu, she suggested we feed him cold stuff like ice cream, cold packet drinks, cold yoghurt, cold jelly, yoghurt drinks, and anything that's chilled. It helps to soothe the throbbing pain from the ulcers too. 

This is the first time I heard that doctors says ice cream is good for sick babies. XD Anyways, followed her advice and seems like he's atleast taking a bowl of nestum now. And lots of fluid from yoghurt drinks, and packet Milo. Atleast it'll give him some energy.

Little one, please recover soon!!!

06 January 2013

Safe to say it's a...

I have been pretty much agitated with my unborn baby's gender eversince *that* doctor told me I was to be expecting a boy (when the first doctor has already confirmed to me that it's gonna be a girl), so I went to get a 3D scan on 6th January. Well, the main reason for me to get (such unnecessary) 3D+4D scan was not mainly due to the reason to confirmed the gender entirely but since we did it for Shareese, we've promised ourselves that all our babies will have 3D+4D scans aswell just to be fair. I don't want one day when I show them their baby sonographic images and videos, the other siblings might ask "Eh mama, where's MINE?".
Don't want that.

This time around, the sonographer seems like she's not able to get as much clear images of my second baby compared to the sonographer that did Shareese's back in 2010. Most of the images seems to be... blurry? Indistinguishable? And we couldn't get a proper image of the baby's face because my little one is covering the face with ALL of her hands and feet. Kinda like this position...

(sorry my drawing skills a little rusty)

They could only get the face as clear as this.

And.. dumdumdum~~ From the scan, it shows that the sonographer is 95% sure that the baby's gonna be a girl, based on this picture of the baby's genitalia. She said there's a clitoris and labia, means for sure it's a girl. Plus there's no scrotum. So hopefully... : )

Second baby's 3D gender scan

This was Shareese's genitalia scan. You can clearly see the birdy.


 Lol.. I'm pretty worked up over the gender. Hope she'll be born healthy and bubbly! From the 3D detailed scan, the sonographer said all the organs are developing well and there's no sign of cleft lip. Also, the baby's size is OK (not too big, not too small), amniotic fluid is sufficient, baby's position is good and ready to go (not breech), and her placenta is in posterior position (normal). No gross structural abnormalities noted.


Hoping all goes well with this pregnancy. 9 more weeks to go!
Images by Freepik