
06 January 2013

Safe to say it's a...

I have been pretty much agitated with my unborn baby's gender eversince *that* doctor told me I was to be expecting a boy (when the first doctor has already confirmed to me that it's gonna be a girl), so I went to get a 3D scan on 6th January. Well, the main reason for me to get (such unnecessary) 3D+4D scan was not mainly due to the reason to confirmed the gender entirely but since we did it for Shareese, we've promised ourselves that all our babies will have 3D+4D scans aswell just to be fair. I don't want one day when I show them their baby sonographic images and videos, the other siblings might ask "Eh mama, where's MINE?".
Don't want that.

This time around, the sonographer seems like she's not able to get as much clear images of my second baby compared to the sonographer that did Shareese's back in 2010. Most of the images seems to be... blurry? Indistinguishable? And we couldn't get a proper image of the baby's face because my little one is covering the face with ALL of her hands and feet. Kinda like this position...

(sorry my drawing skills a little rusty)

They could only get the face as clear as this.

And.. dumdumdum~~ From the scan, it shows that the sonographer is 95% sure that the baby's gonna be a girl, based on this picture of the baby's genitalia. She said there's a clitoris and labia, means for sure it's a girl. Plus there's no scrotum. So hopefully... : )

Second baby's 3D gender scan

This was Shareese's genitalia scan. You can clearly see the birdy.


 Lol.. I'm pretty worked up over the gender. Hope she'll be born healthy and bubbly! From the 3D detailed scan, the sonographer said all the organs are developing well and there's no sign of cleft lip. Also, the baby's size is OK (not too big, not too small), amniotic fluid is sufficient, baby's position is good and ready to go (not breech), and her placenta is in posterior position (normal). No gross structural abnormalities noted.


Hoping all goes well with this pregnancy. 9 more weeks to go!

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