
11 September 2012

Simple Little Things

Last Sunday was the day that we did one of the things I loved the most. Cooking with my husband. Honestly saying, I am not the kind of person who loves to spend so much time cooking, well mainly because I am not much of a great cook. Another thing is because of time. I usually reach home from work 9pm, the earliest I could comeback is by 8pm, and that is if I leave the office sharp at 7pm (yes my work finishes that late) and that I don't need to pick Shareese up from my mom's because husband had picked it up first.

So since it's the weekend and I have all the time in the world, I cook. For him. Lunch time was Ikan Tiga Rasa. Followed the recipe from A Mummy's Guide to Finger-Licking Food and he loved it sooooooo much!! He said it's the best dish I've made so far! Happy!! Last time I tried to make it too but from another recipe and it didn't turn out so well but this time it's a success. I love the taste of the fish sauce.

Siakap Tiga Rasa

He promised to make dinner that night. Guess what's for dinner? His very own recipe of Tandoori marinated oven baked Chicken. I made the coleslaw and grilled up some sausages. Heated up some canned mushroom soup for little one as well. He enjoys watching the cars on his plate more than he enjoys eating. Haihzzz this little boy. So susah nak makan!

Our portion
Shareese's portion. Ofcourse, tak habis. Picky eater...
Sometimes doing simple little things like this is enough to make you happy for the whole week.

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