
17 December 2012

Of Disappointment and Expectations

I've been going for my antenatal checkup at Klinik Soraya section 3 out of recommendation from husband's supervisor/team leader. She said that the dcotors who are doing the check-ups are all female and very kind and helpful towards their patients. My first few visits there was pleasant, up till a point when two of their doctors decided to take a long leave for vacation, only to have just ONE available doctor. ONE. FRIGGIN ONE. My trips there used to only take about 30 ~ 45 minutes tops but lately I have to wait for TWO HOURS (sometimes THREEEEEEE) to just see a doctor for my urine test, blood pressure checkup and the usual ultrasound. Feck... It's worst than going to goverment clinic.

Today is my 28th week checkup. It's a different doctor from my last month checkup, and also different from my usual doctor who have done my first few ultrasounds and confirmed that I am going to have a baby girl. This doctor said my baby is a BOY. lolwhut? BOY? I asked if she was sure because previously the other doctor said my baby is a girl and that she didn't find any signs of neither a penis or a scrotum. She checked again, this time harder and longer. She said she found something "long" (ahahahaha...) and said it might be his penis. Looks like a boy. Hurr...?? I was.. feeling very disappointed because I really wished I am going to have a girl! A pair! She said she will check again next month just to confirm the gender. Yeah...... no.

I'm going for a 3D ultrasound in 2 weeks at Klinik Ajwa, section 7 as how I did for Shareese when I was pregnant with him during my 30th week. Hope to see a better and clearer and more comfirmed images of my baby's gender.

Boy? Or Girl?

; _ ;

Most of my friends says I shouldn't hope too much, as long as he/she is healthy, I should be thankful. Yes, of course but I can't help it. If I wasn't expecting a girl when the first doctor confirmed to me that it's going to be a girl, I wouldn't feel so devastated. *sigh*

Lucky I never bought any girly clothes yet.

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