
27 July 2013

High Fever and Measles

So last Sunday we brought Shareese to watch the Despicable Me 2 movie at MBO Space U8. Turns out we managed to get a little "souvenir" from the outing. *sigh* Apparently during the movie, I noticed one mother brought along a sick child with her. Her son was in the stroller and on his skin was some light colored spots. I was not sure what those spots are but it looks like chicken pox. Only that those are spots that are recovering. Not the bulging, filled with liquid spots. I was worried but brushed off the feeling because I thought no mother in their right mind would bring out a child with contagious disease outside. I never have been soooooooooo wrong!!!

The day after his birthday, he was down with high fever for 3 days. After that, POP comes the small rashes. Apparently the malays calls it demam campak keladi? Measles? Not sure.. but it's red and it's making my baby uncomfortable.

Red spots on Shareese

The day the red spots popped up on Shareese's body, is also the day my sweet little 4 month old daughter was down with high fever. Poor baby!!! ; - ;   ...and yeah, a few days after that, she's also down with the measles. T_T  It's really tiring taking care of two sick babies for two weeks straight. My husband was down with the fever too around that time and myself almost got caught with the fever too. Luckily mine wasn't as bad as my babies or kids. Wuu.. such suffocating week. ; - ;

Even with fever, she can still smile :)

We brought them both to see the paed and she confirmed with us that these two has measles. Well actually I am not really sure if it's measles, she mentioned "campak" though. Measles is what ar? hahaha! On the bright side, Doc said that both my babies will develop lifetime immunity from the viral disease. Good thing they got it when they're small coz if they got it when they're in their adulthood, it'll take more time to recover and there'll be a lot more pain and uncomfortableness.

Doc just gave calamine lotion to help ease the itch and also ibuprofen for Shareese, and paracetamol for baby Rissa to help suppress the fever a bit. We also fed both Shareese and Ariessa with coconut drink. It helps to make the spots come out faster and reduce their temperature a bit. We also bathed them in this herbal water (masukkan daun semambu dalam air suam), and it also helps the spots to come out faster.

Right now, both of them have recovered from the fever and the spots on their body is slowly diminishing. Alhamdulillah. ^^
YAY BOLEH KELUAR JALAN-JALAN~~~~ 2 minggu dok rumah je jaga anak. bosan. *__*

14 July 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday My Little Buster!

14th July marks Shareese's 3rd birthday. Happy Birthday my little buster!!! My husband and I planned to bring him to the movies for the first time. We had never brought him to the cinema before this because, well, he was too young at that time and he was also very sensitive towards loud noises. He doesn't like the loud sound made with speakers. If we turned on the volume over a certain level, he will panickly asked us to turn it down immediately. *w*;;;
Oh, and did I mention he's scared of the dark too? LOL~ apa punya anak jantan la ni hahahaa.

So anyways, that Sunday afternoon we bought tickets to watch Despicable Me 2 at Space U8's MBO.

Shareese and his lovely minion poster at MBO Space U8.

He loooooooovvvveessssss the minions A LOT and he has been looooooooooping the first Despicable Me movie for countless days on our home theatre. He could almost memorize some of the dialogues already. At first he was really excited to watch the movies. He urged us to go into the cinema faster even before we claimed our tickets hahaha such an excited boy. We thought it'd be one smooth sailing first time movie watching with our little guy, but it wasn't. T__T The minute they turned off the light he repeatedly asked me to make the lights turn back on again.
"Mama! Delap! Nak lampu! Nak lampu! Nak lampu! Mama! Mama! Mama!! Lampu!! Lampu!!"
Yes, he loves repeating himself. <O>
Then the movie trailer starts and the sound was blasting.
"Mama!!! MAMA!!! SLOWWWW!! SLOWWW!!! BISINGGG!!! Mama.. Mama!! MAMA!! MAMAAAAAA!!!!!"
Omg…… if he doesn't shut up and disturbs other people with his constant repetitive requests, we might as well need to ditch the movie watching session and burn our tickets. T__T

Luckily, when he saw the minions during the movie intro, he kinda settles down a bit. "MAMA! BANANA!!" pbfftt! Ok Shareese, yes it is banana. He watches it gleefully, but halfway through the movie he insisted on going back home though. (Yes, my son has short attention span. Like most kids.) But the overall experience of bringing him out for a movie for the first time is not as bad as I expected. Atleast he didn't asked me so much questions during the movie like the kid behind my seat did. Kekekeke… but that's an older kid. Maybe 6 or 7 years old. Curious little bugger.

I love bringing my kid to Space U8's MBO because most of the people watching the movies there are parents with kids so even if Shareese DID throw a dramatic appearance during the movie, I think most people there would understand and not judge us. Wuuu.. I'm kinda scared to bring him out for movies where majority of the movie watchers are unmarried people or couples  without kids who thinks parents who brought their babies and kids to movies are jerks. ; - ;
I said this coz I was one of those people. I got pissed off over this parent who brought a wailing baby to an action movie. whut…….  you dumb?
I won't bring mine to action movie. Maybe just go for those family time animation movies which he likes.

So far, success! Great first time experience with Shareese at the movies for the first time. PAPOI!! Here have a cake.

Happy Birthday Shareese!

11 July 2013

Happy 4 month old little Rissa

Today marks Ariessa's 4 month old urhm..monthliversary? pbffttt apekah. How time really flies. Her cheeks are getting more and more fluffier these days. Alhamdulillah semakin membesar anak mama ni. YIIIII!!!! GERAMMMMM!!! I know it's not really a good thing to comapre your kids but I can't help but notice that Ariessa's social skills seem to develop much earlier than Shareese.  She can already smile at 2 weeks old, at 2 months old she can already have "conversations" with people and calling them with random AhAHH sounds. At 2.5 months I could hear her first laughter after we tickle her. Shareese started smiling after my confinement period ended and he hardly respond to our tickling and talking. He's quite fast at developing physical features though. Can already sit without support at 2 months. Ariessa seems a bit flimsy. Oh well, girls are more delicate (and talkative) by nature I assume. =)

Shareese is slowly learning to accept that he has a little sister. When Ariessa was first born, he mati-mati don't want to look at her. It feels like if he looks at her, he is acknowledging her existance hahaha. Funny little guy. And he calls her Arasso instead of Ariessa. =_= Smarty pants... Too much of Korean drama infused to him thanx to my mom. Now everytime I see him touching his little sister's head, patting her and kissing her, it melts my heart! Aww... And I really love how he calls his sister now. Isha! Isha punya! Sayang Isha!! Eh~ Mana Isha!! WHEEE COMELLL GILAAA OK!!!!! (lantak la, anak aku. semua pun comel!!)

Dear baby Rissa and abang Shareese, mama hopes both of you will grow up to be a gentle and kind hearted children, and most importantly jadi anak yang soleh dan solehah ye cayang uchuk achyammm~ 

Ariessa at 1 month till 4 months. Cheeks getting slightly thicker. XD

09 July 2013

The Fasting Month is coming

My blog is collecting dust again, as usual. Well, it's not like there's physically any dust here and it's not like there's anyone who would look forward to read my ramblings anyway, right?
Hahahha emo pulak kau Che Ton.

The Holy Fasting Month of Ramadhan is coming, erm..tomorrow.. and Ariessa would turn 4 months the day after. Walawehhh how time flies! I am so grateful that I could still manage to fully breastfeed my little Ariessa, regardless of my failure attempts to do so for my eldest son, Shareese the cheeky little boy. I have to say, it's really not easy to continue breastfeeding and being a working mom at the same time. Kudos to all the working mothers who managed to do so for more than 6 months, even up to 2 years of age. How did you guys find the determination and patience to do so, I wonder...

I have been told that during the fasting month, your milk supply would tend to decrease a little bit due to dehydration, I assume. I was being extra paranoid that I wouldn't be able to provide enough supply for Ariessa during that time and I got panicked and find ways to stock up my milk supply so that when the time comes, my breastmilk would still be enough for her and that I wouldnt have to supplement. Alhamdulillah, with frequent pumping for a few days and consuming vitamins and galactagogues (I took alfalfa pills while occasionally taking fennel and fenugreek), I manage to boost up my milk supply. I usually could pump 4oz to 6oz per session, with total amount of 16oz to 20oz a day. Now, the most I could pump at one time is 10oz, and most of the time it would not be less than 5oz. (Unless I forgot to drink enough water) Total amount of milk I could pump in a day increased to 27oz ~ 29oz. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Ariessa.

I really hope I wouldn't have much problem to breastfeed her during the fasting month, insyaaAllah. It feels so good to see her growing big and know that her growth comes from your very own milk. :)

EBM stock as of 9th July 2013. !5 more 5oz bottles at mom's house
and around 8 more at office's freezer. Tumpang peti sejuk orang lain, because i can. :p
Images by Freepik