
09 July 2013

The Fasting Month is coming

My blog is collecting dust again, as usual. Well, it's not like there's physically any dust here and it's not like there's anyone who would look forward to read my ramblings anyway, right?
Hahahha emo pulak kau Che Ton.

The Holy Fasting Month of Ramadhan is coming, erm..tomorrow.. and Ariessa would turn 4 months the day after. Walawehhh how time flies! I am so grateful that I could still manage to fully breastfeed my little Ariessa, regardless of my failure attempts to do so for my eldest son, Shareese the cheeky little boy. I have to say, it's really not easy to continue breastfeeding and being a working mom at the same time. Kudos to all the working mothers who managed to do so for more than 6 months, even up to 2 years of age. How did you guys find the determination and patience to do so, I wonder...

I have been told that during the fasting month, your milk supply would tend to decrease a little bit due to dehydration, I assume. I was being extra paranoid that I wouldn't be able to provide enough supply for Ariessa during that time and I got panicked and find ways to stock up my milk supply so that when the time comes, my breastmilk would still be enough for her and that I wouldnt have to supplement. Alhamdulillah, with frequent pumping for a few days and consuming vitamins and galactagogues (I took alfalfa pills while occasionally taking fennel and fenugreek), I manage to boost up my milk supply. I usually could pump 4oz to 6oz per session, with total amount of 16oz to 20oz a day. Now, the most I could pump at one time is 10oz, and most of the time it would not be less than 5oz. (Unless I forgot to drink enough water) Total amount of milk I could pump in a day increased to 27oz ~ 29oz. Alhamdulillah, rezeki Ariessa.

I really hope I wouldn't have much problem to breastfeed her during the fasting month, insyaaAllah. It feels so good to see her growing big and know that her growth comes from your very own milk. :)

EBM stock as of 9th July 2013. !5 more 5oz bottles at mom's house
and around 8 more at office's freezer. Tumpang peti sejuk orang lain, because i can. :p

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