
11 July 2013

Happy 4 month old little Rissa

Today marks Ariessa's 4 month old urhm..monthliversary? pbffttt apekah. How time really flies. Her cheeks are getting more and more fluffier these days. Alhamdulillah semakin membesar anak mama ni. YIIIII!!!! GERAMMMMM!!! I know it's not really a good thing to comapre your kids but I can't help but notice that Ariessa's social skills seem to develop much earlier than Shareese.  She can already smile at 2 weeks old, at 2 months old she can already have "conversations" with people and calling them with random AhAHH sounds. At 2.5 months I could hear her first laughter after we tickle her. Shareese started smiling after my confinement period ended and he hardly respond to our tickling and talking. He's quite fast at developing physical features though. Can already sit without support at 2 months. Ariessa seems a bit flimsy. Oh well, girls are more delicate (and talkative) by nature I assume. =)

Shareese is slowly learning to accept that he has a little sister. When Ariessa was first born, he mati-mati don't want to look at her. It feels like if he looks at her, he is acknowledging her existance hahaha. Funny little guy. And he calls her Arasso instead of Ariessa. =_= Smarty pants... Too much of Korean drama infused to him thanx to my mom. Now everytime I see him touching his little sister's head, patting her and kissing her, it melts my heart! Aww... And I really love how he calls his sister now. Isha! Isha punya! Sayang Isha!! Eh~ Mana Isha!! WHEEE COMELLL GILAAA OK!!!!! (lantak la, anak aku. semua pun comel!!)

Dear baby Rissa and abang Shareese, mama hopes both of you will grow up to be a gentle and kind hearted children, and most importantly jadi anak yang soleh dan solehah ye cayang uchuk achyammm~ 

Ariessa at 1 month till 4 months. Cheeks getting slightly thicker. XD

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